TThe first symposium (NICOM-1) was held in 2003 in Paisley, Scotland. Organized by the Scottish Centre for Nanotechnology in Construction Materials, NICOM-1 was instituted to exchange ideas and scientific results vital for implementing nanotechnology concepts in construction.

Following the success of the subsequent NICOM symposia, the world’s leading researchers in the field of nanotechnology of cement, concrete, and other construction materials will be brought together once again at NICOM-8.

NICOM-8 will provide opportunities for participants to gain exposure to cutting-edge research conducted in Europe, the Americas,
Asia, and other countries, reported by the top investigators in the field. The attendance of engineers, researchers, scientists, students, and industry executives is vital for the success of the NICOM-8 symposium, bringing research results to the community and allowing engineers and scientists to evaluate and implement these discoveries. The global connections garnered here will lead to the generation of new ideas, greater interactions, and active collaborations.